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rahul inamdar
Nov 7, 20161 min read
austerity solitary. self-sufficient. uncluttered. pure. asymmetry organic. no perfection. silence limitless. inward. simplicity artless,...
Nov 7, 20161 min read
form / essence
form is not the essence. form is more than the essence in some way. form is essence, massified. essence is not the form. essence is a the...
Nov 7, 20161 min read
source of art
can a non-objective work begin as an abstraction of an object? an artist feels something intensely, and puts the entire feeling in a...

Nov 7, 20163 min read
(in search of) GREAT work
i started painting in 2006. since 2012, I have been painting at my studio. the work has changed, and the extent of change is unnerving....
Nov 7, 20163 min read
Are your thoughts your own
no, they aren't. I have seen, read, felt, processed stuff through life - all of it comes back to me as my thoughts. yes, they are. they...
Nov 7, 20161 min read
getting lost.
as i open a diary, i get lost in it. so many flights, so difficult to hold the mind down to typing what i can read, and not what i can see.
Nov 7, 20163 min read
seeing a body of work
22/feb/2015 body of work gives a perspective into the development of an artists mind, skill and ability to bring both together to create...
Oct 29, 20163 min read
making art
अजून एक डायरी सापडलीये dimensions space absence time ------ form - colour - composition ------ ignore ------ paiting stands on three...

Oct 20, 20163 min read
another diary.
form. essence. beauty. freedom. to keep essence to the essentials. form is the essence. simplicity. clarity. abstraction. nothingness....
Oct 20, 20162 min read
the other side of diary 1
now on the other side : which calls itself ART. फॉर्म वापरणं म्हणजे त्याची गरज असणं तसं जेव्हा होतं ते चित्रकारास समजणं फॉर्म वापरणं...
Oct 20, 20162 min read
documenting meaningless.
while trying to free my life of clutter, came across some old diaries. now i use the diary for my work as well as art : i try to have a...

Jan 27, 20164 min read
Skin the label; Mural
December 2013. Godrej India Culture Lab is to create a one-day pop up museum in an old Godrej factory - Something that would get...
Jan 27, 20162 min read
When i quit my corporate work to give more time to art the first thing i wanted to do was to unlearn a lot of things i had picked up...
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