Through my first solo exhibition titled WITHIN, I wanted explore the layers of the worlds that lies within us.
Starting out from the dissonance of urban working mind, WITHIN was a quest of a more fulfilling life.
Our identities are based on social choices rather than individual ones, leading to a mindless herd, thus keeping us away from discovering our identities. Through this narrative I have tried to question the journey to discovery of identity. The turbulence in our minds, to me, is an outcome of this denial of clarity.
The purpose of this journey to remind myself of my freedom to make sensible and transformative choices. The only way to social catharsis is through the dense forests of one’s own mind.
Here are the works displayed at Within.

If black means absence of white what will gray be? 3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

do i bond with you or with 'the me' in you 3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

i walk blind. the destination finds me. 3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

empty. hungry. restless. alive. 2'x3' | mixed media on canvas | 2012

by the time i reach, it moves ahead
3'x3' | mixed media on canvas | 2013

Yesterday and tomorrow don't exist for today they exist because of today 3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

not a moment before not a moment after
3'x3' | mixed media on canvas | 2013

if i still seeing the parts i am not close enough 10'x4' in 10 parts | oil on canvas | 2012

with myself: do i talk more or listen more?
2'x3' | mixed media on canvas | 2012

what a difficult battle does darkness fight
knowing it will lose to the first ray of light
3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

to feel it i don't need to understand it. 3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

everything has a reason to be mine is to be me 3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

my God is an atheist like me
3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

all are gone. i meet me. 6'x3' in 2 panels | oil on canvas | 2013

soil, water, seed germinates 4'x4' | oil on canvas | 2012

Immersed. 3'x8' in 3 panels | oil on canvas | 2013

The next step appears when it's time.
3'x3' | acrylic on canvas | 2013

And the crack appears 10.6'x2' in 4 panels | oil on canvas | 2013

knock, knock 3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2013

with each layer within
i peel a new me
3'x3' | oil on canvas | 2012

water shouts and vaporises
2'x3' | oil on canvas | 2012

freedom from a point of reference 3'x3' | acrylic white on canvas | 2013